Friday, December 07, 2007

And at this time right now . . .

. . . on 12/7/06, I was laying on the exam table just after 3 embryos were put into my uterus. I had just had an acupuncture treatment before the transfer with a Chinese doctor in town, and was as relaxed as possible. Hubby and son came into the room to sit with me while I lay still for 30 minutes. J* thought I was sick and climbed up to lay with me. It was really cute.

Afterwards, I got up, got dressed, and we headed to Providence to have dinner with old friends. I had two glasses of wine and a surf and turf dinner at their house. J* watched Shrek while we chatted. Then we drove home. I was temporarily pregnant at least. Little did I know it was permanent.


Amy said...

I absolutely love that your Cooper was "conceived" on the day my Cooper was born! What a special connection!

Ali said...

Oh that gave me goose bumps! That was a great christmas present last year. No look at the cute bundle you have this year!!!

Earthchild618 said...

Amazing! Things to be thankful for...

meddlingkidd said...

I'm hoping to follow in your footsteps...on 12/07/07 I had my second IUI and held hands with DH for 10 or 15 minutes three floors above the hustle and bustle of the NYC streets at Christmas time! I hope all your good family vibes will drift our way...we'll find out soon enough :D!

Pickel said...

Wow...that is just too cool. I remember sitting in a room (laying) hoping one would take. I have always thought about carrying a child and having that connection, even if it is not biological, as it could never be.

But, with two sons already (well, one in Guatemala) I think we are done for now.