Friday, July 29, 2011

Back to work, back to life

I started back to work this past Monday. I felt good (relatively speaking) for the first 3 days, but yesterday afternoon, I hit the wall. I was so tired, I could barely walk at about 3pm. I made my way through the last hour of work, picked up my big boy at the camp bus-stop, got the little one from daycare, and headed to the pool. Daddy did swim duty while I relaxed and chatted with a friend.

I have gained 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks though! I'm sure my replacement synthroid dose must be too low. I am really not eating more food that I usually do, and I'm much more active than I was the week before surgery and the three weeks after. I guess we'll find out next Friday.

I used to be a real fan of Viactiv calcium supplements. But taking 6 a day for the past few weeks, and I am just gagging already. Can't wait to stop those :)

On a bright note, we were just given 4 front row seats the a home Yankee game on Sunday afternoon! I'm so excited to see the new stadium, and for the boys to enjoy an afternoon at the ball park.

1 comment: said...

So nice Blogger