Friday, November 30, 2007

Spreading like Wildfire

There's a stomach bug circulating in day care, and it caught Jackson yesterday afternoon. He hasn't vomited since he's 20 months old, which of course he doesn't remember, so I feel so bad for him. I hate puking . . .it scares me so I am scared for him. It started yesterday at 3:15pm, and he hasn't puked since, but had a high fever at 11:30 last night. He's the 4th in his class to get it. The kicker is that Cooper's teacher has it too, so I hope it doesn't spread to him . . . or me. Did I mention that I hate to puke?

Monday, November 26, 2007

In a blink of an eye . . .

. . . 12 weeks have passed. My baby is no longer a newborn, but a mere infant. Sigh!

That's a sigh of relief, by the way! Newborns are way over-rated . . . they are damn cute but so very hard to care for. I'm not cut out for it, which is why I won't ever do it again.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving and a nice long weekend. We visited the Bronx Botanical Gardens for their Holiday Train Show yesterday . . . all the buildings and bridges were replicas of NYC landmarks, which were all made of sticks, wood, and bark! It's the 16th year they've had the exhibit, but our first time seeing it. Jackson loved it! But the lines and the waiting were difficult for a 3-year old, so we won't be going back until Cooper is 5 or so. Here are a few pics if you're interested!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So very thankful . . .

. . . for everyone and everything in my life. But special thanks to the two women who helped me become a mother, and who made my husband a father, and my sons brothers. I would not be who I am or where I am today without them, and and so very grateful for their heartfelt gifts of love. M*, wherever you are, I hope you are safe, warm, and loved. We think of you every night at bedtime when we read J*'s book. And to S* and her family, we hope to see you again soon, and look forward to lifelong friendship. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Check out this giveaway!

Head over to Splat's to see the holiday design giveaway she is offering! Her blog designs rock!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Foto Friday

I'm jumping on the blogging bandwagon and posting a "Foto Friday" picture. Because my kids are so damn cute. Actually, its a digital scrap card for Thanksgiving. Enjoy the weekend!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I survived . . .

. . . my first day without him. Sigh. Hubby and I both went to drop the boys off, and I didn't cry at all. then I visited at 1:30 and started to tear up when they lifted him out of his crib . . . there was my tiny baby looking too small to be at daycare. It was almost too much. I survived though, and he had a great day, despite the noises and wide open spaces of his new surroundings. Today is a better day for me. Of course I only managed a 2 sentence intro on my research paper so far, but I do my best work under pressure. Well, I hope.

Here was his first day:

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Last day together

Tomorrow is Cooper's first day at daycare. I am ready. On Friday, our last full day alone together, I realized that it's time to go back to the real world. I am ready. He will be fine. I will be fine. The two girls in charge of him at daycare are so excited for his arrival, and they will take good care. I have been spying on them for almost a year, knowing this day for my new baby would come all too soon. They do a great job and really love the babies. I'm also happy to say there will only be 3-4 babies for the 2 of them to care for, so what's better than that? Well, a lot I guess, but this is the best we have.

I don't start work for one more week. I have to research, draft, and write an entire term paper in those 5 days alone. Its due next Sunday, and if I can knock it out, the semester will be pretty much over for me, except for an online presentation in mid-December. I just hope I can get it done in between naps, LOL!

Here is Cooper's two month picture!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


This whole "asking for help" thing is new to me. I don't do it well. But I obviously can't handle all that is going on with me (emotionally, hormonally, physically) and take good care of two kids and a husband, a house, the finances, and now preparing to go back to work full-time. I am splitting at the seams. Yes, the meds are helping . . . and I have not gotten up for a night feeding in 2 weeks thanks to an amazing hubby (not counting the Saturdays he works till 3am of course). The babysitter is helping too . . . just knowing that she is coming on certain nights makes me feel better and, well, less alone.

So, why am I humbled? I asked MIL to come over and be with me last night. She came at 5:45 and stayed until 9:30 when hubby came home. And I was nice. We had a pleasant evening. Interesting.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

2 months today!!!

At his check-up on Wednesday, C* was 11 lbs 12 oz and 23 inches! He gained 3 pounds in a month! I thought he was a big boy, but I checked J*'s records, and he was 13lbs 11oz at 2 months! I don't remember him as such a chunk-a-lunk.

And its late in the evening and I didn't even take one picture of my baby today. Bad Mommy. I will snap one later when he is in a better mood, since he is fussing right now with the babysitter (as I am supposed to be doing my schoolwork, but am procrastinating as usual!). Will you settle for an adorable Halloween pic of him . . . and one of Big Bro too?