Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bedtime still improving!

Jax has fallen asleep just holding our hand all 4 nights we've tried it. And he's stayed asleep, but he usually did before, except those few times since Coop's arrival. And last night, Cooper slept 4 1/2 hours straight . . . ate and slept again for 3. Hubby and I actually slept in the same bed at the same time for the first time in quite while. Seemed oddly familiar to feel his toes touching mine!

New pics . . .

Jax school pic :Mommy and baby:high five:

Thursday, September 27, 2007

It can't be that easy . . .

Daddy got fed up first, so two nights ago, he got J* to fall asleep while holding his hand as he sat in a chair next to the bed. The kid was asleep in 5 minutes flat. I tried my best last night, and although it took about 30 minutes and me almost giving up and laying down with him about 72 times, he finally fell asleep. To my credit, i don't think he was tired enough to go to bed at 8:30 last night. It was 9:30 when daddy did it the night before, so there!!

I am sure I just jinxed us, but any progress needs celebration at this point, since I am so shot. Too bad my usual celebration appendage of a martini wouldn't be appropriate yet. Darn.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I used to know that word . . .

Sleep. I think that's how you spell it. I certainly can't tell you how to do it at this point. Not happening here. Its not so much the newborn-lack-of-sleep thing, but the added component of the 3-year-old not staying asleep all night. Jax has been waking in the middle of the night, throwing a wrench in the barely-working plan of DH and I trading off feedings to get some sleep. Its mayhem over here folks.

Sleep, or lack thereof, seems to be a common topic among the blogs I read these days. Thought I'd join the ranks . . .

How do you get a toddler to go to sleep on his own? Yes, its my fault to start with . . . some of you may now that Jax slept with me every night until about 7 months into the pregnancy, when I decided I'd better get my ass in gear and get this kid used to his own bed. In his new room no less. Well, he had done great until Cooper arrived, and I guess he is regressing a bit. I get that. But it doesn't solve the original problem that the kid has not gone to sleep by himself ever before. I (or DH) have always layed down with him until he falls asleep. We've tried to leave once he quiets down, but he wakes up and we start all over again. So its always been easier to either have him sleep in my bed, or stay in his bed with him until he's out. What happens there is that we usually fall asleep in his bed too. And his bed is sooooo not comfortable.

Is there a book or program from sleep-training a toddler? Any brilliant suggestions? Anyone wanna come ove rand do it for us??

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

2 weeks old!

Ok, that was the fastest two weeks of my entire life . . .its all a blur!

We had our 2 week checkup yesterday, and you'll never guess what Cooper gained! He's 7lbs 2oz .. up over a pound since hospital discharge. I'm so proud of both of us! The breastfeeding issues are obviously better. He latches on great now . . . and goes anywhere from 25-50 minutes a shot! Hmm, I guess that's why time has flown . . . we're always nursing! Pumping is going really well too, so at least my anxiety about keeping up with breastfeeding after going back to work is lessening. I thought I'd spend too much time pumping at work for it to be feasible, but last night I pumped almost 5 oz in 5 minutes! Everybody say MOO!

I just slept for about 6 hours too. Big ouch for the boobs, but well worth it. I pumped those 5 oz, and went straight to bed. Hubby did a feeding, so I could sleep. He also suprised me by coming home at 9pm, to help with bedtime for Jax. Told you hubby has been great! I just might keep him!

So as you can imagine, last Friday night alone with two kids didn't go that well. Coop woke and was was crying just as I was putting Jax down. I gave up after 15 min of juggling both, and we all returned to the family room, where I promptly slapped in a movie and let Jax fall asleep on the couch. Yes, I know that's Bad Parenting 101, but hey, I made it through.

OK, so if you've read this long post all the way through, you win a prize. Pictures!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Who are you, and what have you done with my husband?

I haven't spent this much time with my hubby since, um, never.

He is a restaurant manager, so he works a lot. 6 days a week, including Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday nights, when he gets home after midnight. Friday, he gets home after 9 or 10pm. We have very little social life as a result, and Sundays are reserved for family obligations and such (you know, that stereotypic Sunday Italian Family dinner is really true).

Well, hubby has been home since I went into labor on Sunday, 9/2. He went to work twice this week for a few hours in the morning, but other than that, he has been here . . . being a husband and father I barely recognize! He is truly being a great help with the Coop, pampering me as much as possible between feedings (mine and Cooper's), and taking Jackson to the park or putting him to sleep to give me a break from double duty mommying.

Its great. What the hell am I going to do tomorrow night, when he goes back to the usual schedule!?!?!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Life goes on . . .

We're settling in, and life is getting back on track. The semester has already started, and I am taking another class towards my PhD. Yes, I'm crazy, but if I don't take this required course now, its not offered until fall of 2009. SO I have homework due tonight at midnight, and yes, I'm here talking to you!

So, was I really pregnant? I feel pretty much back to normal already, although I know the hormonal plunge is yet to happen, along with the hair loss, and what-not. But right now, its hard to believe that it all happened.

Breastfeeding is still touch and go . . . he doesn't latch on right away and starts to go a little crazy. This morning, he just wouldn't do it, and it had been so long since the last feeding, I had hubby give him an ounce of formula, while I pumped. I got 2-ounces for him (very proud here!) and he sucked it right down. Thankfully the next feeding went well at the breast. Its very nerve-wracking!

He has no clothes that fit! All the newborn stuff is so big on him! I am going to Buy Buy Baby tomorrow to get 2 things in the preemie size, just so he has something to wear for visitors. I know its a waste of money . . . that's why I'm using a credit!

OK, gotta do some homework, but here's a few new pics for you!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

More pics to keep you busy . ..

. . as we settle in at home. Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

introducing . . .

Cooper Joseph!

He arrived at 4pm on Labor Day, 9/3, at 4pm. He is 6lbs, 7oz and 18.5 inches.

We got to the hospital about 8pm on Sunday and I was only a fingertip dilated, but contractions petered out at 4 am. I was 2cm in the morning, so the ob broke my water and started pitocin at 9:15am. I lasted only until 11:30 with those pit contractions, and I needed the epidural. OMG, I really thought I was going to die with those contractions and being confined to the bed on the monitors. That was sheer torture. But, the epi was wonderful, and I progressed quickly to 10cm by 3:30pm. I started pushing at 3:45, and he was out at 4pm on the dot!

Here he is!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

6 days past due . . .

And apparently my body does work! Being losing plug all day, and have had 2 hours of contractions so far, although not consistent (anywhere from 8-18 minutes apart). The parents are on call, if needed.

Just thought I'd spice up your holiday weekend!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

5 days past due . . .

Status Quo!

Enjoy your Saturday!