Monday, August 23, 2010

Reunion time!

We rented a house in Rockport, MA for a week. It just so happens its close to Cooper's bio-family's hometown. They came for the day on Sunday and we had an unbelievably awesome time. Come to think of it . . .we always do!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

as time goes by

they get bigger and bigger!

Jackson turned six in July, and got a great new short haircut for summer:


and Coop is learning to swim and just loves the water . . .

Now, is there anything better than an ice cream treat in the hot summer sun??



Thursday, May 27, 2010


The pool is open.

Enough said.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Is it Summer yet?

What a winter. Rain! Snow! Rain! We lost 5 straight days of school in March due to a rainstorm that brought down trees and power lines. The last day of school has been extended to June 30th.

I'm blogging, b/c my work internet is randomly unblocked today. HELLO BLOGWORLD!

Quick update on the family:
Jax is finishing kindergarten and is doing wonderfully. He just got a great report card :) He's really doing well with independent reading and money values. His maturity has grown, but is still as handful at home.

Coop loves school, so much so that he threw a fit yesterday b/c he couldn't go to school with a fever. Too funny. He is definitely getting the terrible two's attitude at times, but its manageable. And he's just too darn cute when he's throwing a fit!

I continue to knit crochet, make jewerly and now: Weaving! I gave myself an early 40th bday present of a loom, and it arrived yesterday. Can't wait to play!

I was offered a wonderful job in MD/DC, but the money wasn't quite right to make such a huge move and uproot the family. SO I am stuck here at this job until I find something better, or make this one worth staying for. We're getting a new boss at the end of April, so I hope it goes better than we expect.

If anyone is reading, say hi!